Downland Cycles Training Centre based in rural Kent, near Canterbury, Dover, Ashford, and Folkestone. Sitting in an AONB on National Cycle Network 17 and the North Downs.
We offer cycle and bike mechanic and maintenance courses and training in a purpose built workshop.
Courses for casual rider and fully accredited for trade and own business start up.
General mechanics, disc brakes, suspension systems, electronic gearing, hubs and wheelbuilding courses.
Specialist road and mountain bike courses, custom builds and riding trails.
Framebuilding courses learn how to fillet braze or lugged, design and build your own frame in steel with Columbus or Reynolds.
Invicta frame custom build our own brand with a traditional historic Kentish flavour in Rowena, Vortigern, Hengest, Horsa and Cantium.
Bunk house on site for those on courses.
C&G, IMI, Park Tool, Campagnolo, Shimano, Rohloff and Canterbury College accredited center.
Downland Cycles 2 Stone Cottages, Lynsore Bottom, Upper Hardres Canterbury CT4 6EG